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event four

Weekend Retreat

Friday - Sunday

November 16 - 18


This SNN Retreat provides a wonderful opportunity to draw apart from the busyness of life at the Janssen Spirituality Centre, 22 Woodvale Rd, Boronia. Click here for a map.


The retreat gives you opportunities to take time to breathe, reflect, pray alone and together with a small group of like-minded people.


The facilitator for this retreat is Paul Spence, a qualified Spiritual Director, companioning others as they yearn to deepen their relationship with God. Paul has been involved in faith education as a teacher, Principal and Education Consultant.

6.00 pm Friday - Arrive 
6.30 pm Friday - Dinner
Sunday - Retreat Ends in the afternoon


$240 per person/$180 per person concession 
Including all meals, linen and single room.

The Retreat is limited to 15 participants.
Bookings to be made by Wednesday November 7 and
payment made before the retreat.
Direct Debit to BSB 033 337 A/C 358383. Please use your
surname and Retreat as reference.



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