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event three

Nurturing the Soul
in Everyday Life

Saturday September 16


Soul Nurture Network looks for ways to encourage people to expand and explore their Christian faith into new areas of their lives. The basic premise of this Soul Nurturing in Everyday Life event is to hear how everyday aspects of people’s lives – whether it be in their work or their leisure – provide nurture to them spiritually and to use their stories to prompt discussion and reflection. 

We have invited our speakers at this event to share the stories and background to their particular passion or pastime and how this has influenced, or has been influenced by their faith. This section of their presentation will be around 30 mins.
Following each presentation there will be a group discussion. This will allow those who attend to discuss and share their own experiences and insights provoked by the presentations. Also around 30 mins.
The final part of each presenter's session will be personal reflection time. Participants will have around 30 mins to reflect on what they have heard from the presenters. We have also ask each of the speakers to set up a ‘display’ of their activity. During this reflection time attendees are also encouraged to ask questions of the speakers or simply to have some quiet reflection around the topic.  A ‘reflection’ sheet for people will be provided to guide their own personal time.

Arrive                  9.30 am for a cuppa.      


Gather Together around "The Seasons"

                            10.00 am - 11.00 am


MORNING TEA 11.00 - 11.30 pm

Session 1             11.30 - 1.00 pm
Presenter:          Jan Leoliger - Family Carer.

LUNCH              1.00 pm – 1.45 pm

Session 2            1.45 pm - 3.15 pm
Presenter:             Geoff Gellert -  Farmers.


Gather Together again

                            3.15 pm - 3.45 pm
Conclusion         3.45 pm

Please feel free to stay for a cuppa and a chat.


Click here for bookings or RSVP to Christine Paech

Cost $25/$20 Concession 
Includes morning tea and lunch.

Bookings by Wednesday September 12.


At Lilydale Lutheran Church

1 North Rd, Lilydale


(Click here for contact page for location details).

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